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Our Story
World Vision Theological Seminary is a career department of the World Ministerial Council a non-profit, non-political, Christian consulting and outreach organisation founded by Chaplain Dr Michael Bola Awolola in 1996.
Since its inception, the Seminary has opened its doors to all racial groups. Students have come from many denominations to be trained at this thoroughly evangelical Institute. The Seminary has exercised tolerance with other Christian groups without compromising its own doctrinal statement.
The Seminary is governed by an independent Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees consists of Christian representatives from the Ministry, business and industry, education and the general public who serve without compensation. They are guided by the same sound, biblical principles upon which the Christian Church was founded and uphold the high standard of holiness without compromising.
Our Purpose
The purpose of this Institution is to serve Christ by preparing men and women to do the work of evangelism with no discrimination and to edify and equip believers by proclaiming and applying God’s Word in the power of the Holy Spirit.
The School aims to develop in each student a sense of responsibility toward the church as a whole as well as to the local church which the Student serves.
A Missionary Vision for the lost throughout the World is prayerfully encouraged as expressed by the motto: “CRUSADING THE WORLD WITH THE WORD” from Mathew 28: 19; Matt. 24:14.
Our Core Values
At World Vision Theological Seminary we are guided by a set of core values that are at the centre of WOVITHSEM’S Philosophy
- The Bible as God’s Word is central in the curriculum of the Seminary since it is the inspired revelation of God to men and the only source of authority for the evangelisation of the World, the establishment of Christian Churches and the building up of believers in the faith.
- Practical Ministry training including weekly Christian Service in local churches and an annual project ensures that our graduates are not only academically prepared but really for successful ministry.
- A commitment to Academic Excellence On the part of both lecturers and learners bring glory to God.
- World Evangelisation. The great commission in a driving motivation role in carrying out Jesus’ commission for the Church.
- Multi-Cultural WOVITHSEM is a school where believers from all ethnic backgrounds come together and learn from one another.
- Spiritual Formation. The desire to internalise truth forms the basis of the life and Ministry of the Seminary. Instructors and learners are challenged to daily submit to the Lordship of Christ and yield to the Spirit’s Ministry in their lives. As much as the Institution aspires to academic excellence, the primary focus of Biblical Education at this Seminary is spiritual transformation.
- Evangelical Unit. As an interdenominational institution. WOVITHSEM Values evangelical unity which is the attitude and practice of accepting other Christians of evangelical conviction, regardless of denominational or theological affinity, for purposes of fellowship, encouragement, edification, and Ministry.